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“You are so kind to share your time and talent with so many. You have enriched our entire community."
-- Carrie Trenholm Endowed Chair of Elementary Arts Education / Southern Utah University
“So impressive. Regarding your workshop….. wonderful. Important work. You received rave reviews (from the students). I loved the clarity, and the potential for application of the concepts. In the studio, on "the arts" you are so incisive. Please know how much I respect and admire your very professional and articulate work. And thank you for sharing your consummate expertise and artistry with us.”
-- Alice Teirstein / Former Director/Young Dance Makers, Former Director, Dance Department/Fieldston School
“Thank you so much for welcoming me into your class yesterday! It was an absolute pleasure to see the work you did with your students.”
-- Sam LindenProgram Manager, Wingspan Arts
“Lane Gifford is extremely popular with students.” “Her choreography for the children, is innovative and exciting.”
-- Jeannine Ary / Music Director, Kentucky Day School 


“Thank you so much Lane. Everyone had so much fun. You really know how to engage the kids and motivate them."
-- A parent / New York City
“A pleasure working with you this week. The kids had a wonderful time and learned a lot! I've already recommended you highly for next year.”
-- A teacher / The Garden School, Flushing NY
“Thank you again. The SummerSPLASH program ... my girls absolutely love it!”
-- A parent / Chatham MA
“My son, Will absolutely loved the program. He said he wished it lasted another week and that he was definitely doing it next year.”
-- A parent / Kentucky Country Day School.
“The boys love your class."
-- A parent / JCC in New York City
“Your workshop was wonderful. Important work. The kids gave you rave reviews. So illuminating. You opened (the students) to a whole set of new connections.”
-- A teacherFieldston School 
  • summersplashchatham
  • Summersplash Kids
Lane Gifford and Kids

Educator / Choreographer / Artistic Director


Lane Gifford is artistic director of LaneCoArts, a multi-arts dance theater company based in New York City, with a mission to combine dance with such elements as words, drama, sculptural components and rigorous physical investigations. Learn more


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